Thursday, January 7, 2010

History and Intro

It is a very familiar term to students of Sree Narayana Public School, the unique mind blowing on stage Mega Quiz extragavanza, conducted in the school for Class IX by class XI students in association with the QUIZ CLUB, started in 2004 as a project for a group of talented XI students interested and good in Compeering, electronics, computer programming and organizing capabilities.

Started in 2004 under the leadership of Rahul Ramesh, the quiz show, named as ‘QUIZZOMANIA’ by Mr. Sujee Sudhakaran (Dept. of Computer Science) never had to look back. By the immense support of the entire school faculties the show has won the hearts of many, and after 6 years the year 2010 shows yet again another sight to behold.

The quiz show yet to hit the stages,Quizzomania Xtreme

1 comment:

  1. Correction guys.... It was not started under my leadership, it was under the leadership of about 10 students, including me, Vivek Ajit, Bipin, Jaidev and many others :-)
    And to add, these people were not from Computer Science department alone... Included Bio and Commerce too....
    And the backbone of its success is none other than our Sujee sir.
